
Hi! This site was made as a small little personal project. Feel free to extend it for your own personal project! I used ESPN's MLB API, but it should be the same as their APIs for other leagues. You can check out the source code here. You'll need a bit of tooling (replacing the teams list and the API link), and to create your own OpenAI key. I can't guaruntee that the site will always spit out correct information. The site uses a bit of AI in its process and its very imperfect. There are a lot of tests being done to try to prevent inaccuracies and only report completed and announced deals, but things could totally slip through the cracks. But yeah, I hope you enjoyed the site! Also, it wouldn't be possible without the amazing developers of the library Beautiful Soup, the hardworking researchers at OpenAI, and the amazing reporters at ESPN, who have made this possible, not to mention the players! Though these people made it possible, if you want, you can take a look at other things I've made on my website. Take care!

Statement on AI

In the process of developing the app, I received some heated criticism about its use of generative AI. I want to stress that the site's use of generative AI is quite restrained: the site uses ChatGPT to parse existing text using a predetermined prompt, and the ChatGPT response is whittled into one of 31 pre-written responses. That said, I recognize that there are many potential harms to generative AI, and I'm quite skeptical of many of its current applications. I'm not opposed to the technology as a whole, but, as with most technologies, I think there's a lot of potential for harm: harm to people's jobs as automation increases, harm to equity as we move into a funhouse mirror image of our world, and potentially harm to the social fabric with increasing presence of deep fakes and the like. These harms are serious and I don't think enough care is being taken by AI firms or by regulators to address them. I think tech bros need to calm down, let us move more slowly, and break nothing but chains. Lastly, I want to say that this app wouldn't be possible without the immense pile of work on which it rests: ESPN's baseball reporting, ChatGPT's developers' work, and every person of billions who contributed to AI training data. I don't want to assert ownership of any of this hardwork; in fact, I want to give more to and enrich the public square of shared works. For this reason, this software, and everything I make independently for fun, is released under a Copyleft license (aGPL v3). In conclusion, I feel that this app will do nothing to further any of the harms here outlined or any other harms, and I feel okay with publishing the site. I just felt like I needed to include this disclaimer in the project to do right by the person who brought up these concerns. I hope it makes them feel a little bit better.

Please Support Refugees

I know this is an odd place to put this, but there are serious problems going on in the world right now, and the global population of people fleeing their homelands due to conflict and crisis is at an all-time high. If you have the means, please consider donating to an organization supporting refugees, such as the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. Otherwise, please just be kind to anyone you meet, especially refugees. Take care, and Merry Christmas. :)